In your language
ask whatever
you want to know.

Consult over KakaoTalk

Services created in Ansan,
the city with the highest percentage
of foreign residents

According to the 2023 survey by the Ministry
of Public Administration and Security

Consult over KakaoTalk

Information essential
for you
who work in Korea

Visa/real estate/job changing information, etc.

Consult over KakaoTalk

Information essential
for you
who travel to Korea

Gastroventure/tourism/traffic information, etc.

Consult over KakaoTalk

Multilingual Chat Support
anytime anywhere

Consult over KakaoTalk
  • 사업자명 : 한국다문화복지진흥회
  • 대표자 : 고천성사업자등록번호 : 663-21-01464 전화번호 : 0507-1416-5337
  • 소재지 : 경기도 안산시 단원구 원포공원1로59 A동 5층 1호이메일 :